New York, NY —
The question of whether to renew the law granting Mayor Bloomberg control over city schools brought 200 people to a state assembly committee hearing Friday. WNYC's Beth Fertig reports:
REPORTER: Schools Chancellor Joel Klein told Assembly members that the current system led to a rise in test scores and more equity throughout the system. But assembly members seemed skeptical -- especially when he stated that parents already have several ways of being heard.
KLEIN: One, by expressing that which I hear all the time in community meetings and in other places. Two, by deciding when they cast their votes.
REPORTER: Meaning voting out the mayor. But Assemblyman Daniel O'Donnell rejected that argument, especially given the incumbent mayor's wealth.
O'DONNELL: For $100 million I could probably convince the city of New York u that I was thin!
REPORTER: More than 70 people signed up to speak at the hearing, requiring the assembly to set aside an overflow room. While some held signs supporting mayoral control, most wanted at least some modifications ranging from an outside monitor to more community involvement.
For WNYC I'm Beth Fertig.