Where is the Outrage
December 2, 2006
The police shooting in Queens one week ago this morning has caused outrage in New York’s Black community. WNYC’s Brian Lehrer wonders: where’s the outrage from other New Yorkers?
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Muted Voice in Affordable Housing Outcry
October 21, 2006
When Stuyvesant Town and Peter Cooper Village were sold to the highest bidder this week, there was a loud outcry from those concerned with our area’s affordable housing shortage. WNYC’s Brian Lehrer says one notable voice was a little more muted.
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Commentary: Commentary: Buzzing About the Wrong Thing
October 3, 2006
The New York media have been buzzing the last few days over the revelation that New York State Attorney General candidate Jeanine Pirro is being investigated by the federal government for a possible illegal wiretap of her husband. But WNYC’s Brian Lehrer says they’re buzzing about the wrong thing.
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Commentary: Iraq War Offense Drains Homeland Defense Funding
June 24, 2006
This week, Mayor Bloomberg went to Washington to argue for homeland security funding based on risk. The Senate debated Iraq war withdrawal resolutions. WNYC's Brian Lehrer says the two stories were reported separately, but should really be seen together.
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Commentary: Buzz on Hillary Speech Misses Point
June 4, 2006
Political pundits had something new to buzz about this week after Hillary Clinton’s speech at the New York State Democratic Convention in Buffalo. But WNYC’s Brian Lehrer says they seem to be missing half the story.
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Commentary: Two 9/11 Memorials
May 6, 2006
Two memorials to the victims of 9/11 are in the news this week – one from the agency that’s rebuilding Ground Zero, the other from a Hollywood studio. WNYC’s Brian Lehrer says one works, the other is still a work in progress.
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Commentary: Five Arguments Against Steinbrenner's Plan
April 1, 2006
Monday is Opening Day for the 2006 Yankee baseball season. But WNYC's Brian Lehrer - a lifelong Yankee fan and partial season ticket holder - will be rooting against George Steinbrenner's team in a more important competition off the field this week.
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Commentary: How to Avoid a Controversy
March 26, 2006
This week was notable in New York theater circles for a play inspired by the Israeli-Palestinian conflict that was supposed to open Wednesday night, but did not. WNYC’s Brian Lehrer says the whole controversy could have been avoided.
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Commentary: Dubai Doomed. Ah, Politics.
March 11, 2006
It looks like the controversial Dubai Ports World deal is now doomed, as least in the United States. WNYC’s Brian Lehrer wonders if it’s time for a sigh of relief, or just a sigh.
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Commentary: The 'Can-Do-No-Wrong' Mayor?
February 3, 2006
Mayor Bloomberg’s approval rating is sky high in the Quinnipiac University Poll released this week – 72 percent. WNYC’s Brian Lehrer says the mayor is getting kudos for thinking small, and for thinking big.
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Commentary: Mayor Has Promises to Keep
January 1, 2006
Tomorrow afternoon, Michael Bloomberg will be sworn in for his second term as Mayor of New York City, after his landlside re-election. But WNYC’s Brian Lehrer says despite the easy win, the mayor still has some promises to keep.
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Business Past Helping and Hurting Corzine
December 18, 2005
Jon Corzine hasn’t even been sworn in as Governor yet, and he’s already under fire for the way he’s made two decisions since Election Day – appointing Robert Menendez to the US Senate and appearing to go back on a campaign promise not to consider a hike in the gasoline tax. WNYC’s Brian Lehrer says Corzine’s experience in business may be both helping and hurting him.
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Debate as "State of the City"?
November 2, 2005
The second and final Bloomberg-Ferrer debate is tonight. But WNYC's Brian Lehrer sees this year's campaign as an opportunity lost to assess the state of the city.
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Bloomberg IS a Republican!
October 21, 2005
In this year of the Bloomberg advertising blitz, almost all of the mayor’s campaign commercials revolve around one central idea: that he is an apolitical guy doing a good practical job. But WNYC’s Brian Lehrer says it’s not really that simple.
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Commentary: Political Advertising
October 17, 2005
What do you get when election season features a billionaire mayor and two mega-millionaire gubernatorial candidates? WNYC’s Brian Lehrer says you get a new format on TV.
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From Skeptic to Cynic
October 8, 2005
The Subway Security Threat Announcement came just 1 hour before the mayoral debate at the Apollo Theater Thursday night. Was there a connection? WNYC’s Brian Lehrer tries to connect the dots.
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Memo To The Future
October 5, 2005
The latest debate over the future of Ground Zero revolves around plans for The International Freedom Center, a museum devoted to the idea, the history and the current state of Freedom. WNYC’s Brian Lehrer says what’s at stake is the freedom to think.
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Weiner's in if for Weiner
September 17, 2005
The second place finisher in the Democratic mayoral primary did something unprecedented in New York politics: Anthony Weiner conceded defeat rather than count the absentee ballots, which could have forced a runoff election against Fernando Ferrer. WNYC’s Brian Lehrer says don’t believe either party’s version of why Weiner dropped out.
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Weiner's in if for Weiner
September 17, 2005
The second place finisher in the Democratic mayoral primary did something unprecedented in New York politics: Anthony Weiner conceded defeat rather than count the absentee ballots, which could have forced a runoff election against Fernando Ferrer. WNYC’s Brian Lehrer says don’t believe either party’s version of why Weiner dropped out.
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An Amber Alert for World Hunger?
August 27, 2005
CLast Saturday, WNYC’s Brian Lehrer drove the New York State Thruway from Albany to New York, something he’s done many times before. But Brian tells us this time, the trip included something new.
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Context Missing from Big Picture
July 16, 2005
Maybe you’ve heard that Democratic mayoral hopeful C. Virginia Fields has been on the defensive over a campaign photo. WNYC’s Brian Lehrer has some thoughts about how that one image fits into the "big picture" of the campaign.
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Leaky Washington DC
July 16, 2005
The nomination of John Roberts to the U.S. Supreme Court came as a surprise to, of all people, most of the Washington press corps. WNYC’s Brian Lehrer says the nature of the surprise should not be surprising.
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Protests Belong in Queens
May 21, 2005
As we all know, the politics of New York City often boil down to three words: location, location, location. But WNYC’s Brian Lehrer wants to know why it’s the same few locations everyone keeps fighting about.
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Troubling Questions
May 15, 2005
It’s been nine months now since the Republican National Convention was held in New York and about 1800 people were arrested. WNYC’s Brian Lehrer says the videos that have surfaced to clear so many protesters raise troubling questions about Mayor Bloomberg and the NYPD.
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Redevelopment Bickering Has Deep Roots
May 7, 2005
It’s been an ugly week in the Lower Manhattan redevelopment process, with the Freedom Tower design scuttled by security concerns and finger-pointing over who was to blame.
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Ideas Win Debates
If the opinion polls are right, John Kerry won all three presidential debates. WNYC's Brian Lehrer has some thoughts on why, and why so many pundits got it wrong.
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Budget Watchdogs
A budget watchdog group in New York City is urging the State Legislature to wait three days before voting once party leaders agree on a new state budget. WNYC's Brian Lehrer says there they go again.
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Walll-to-wall Reagan
The death of Ronald Reagan was the biggest national news story this week, and played to big tv audiences. But WNYC's Brian Lehrer wants to acknowledge those of you who thought you were experiencing an alternate reality.
NJ Battleground in November?
A Quinnipiac University Poll released last week provided a shock for politics junkies - New Jersey, generally considered a safe state for John Kerry, showed up as a statistical tie between Kerry and President Bush.
News Burnout
After an emotionally wrenching week of news from Iraq and DC, many of you may be experiencing news burnout. WNYC's Brian Lehrer says tune out for a while if you need a break, but there's a line to be wary of crossing.
The Politics of Selling Beer
A once-popular brand of beer is trying to make a comeback in New York City.
And they're trying to do it with, of all things, political advertising. But
WNYC's Brian Lehrer says don't believe the hype.
Education Funding Battle Far From Over
This week, Governor Pataki's Commission on Education Reform released its recommendations for offering a sound, basic education to all of New York's schoolchildren. The report is part of the Governor's response to a court ruling that said funding for the New York City public schools is unconstitutionally low.
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Sterling Silver Apology
As the Bush campaign tries to challenge the credibility of former counterterrorism chief Richard Clarke, there is one thing from Clarke's testimony this week that no amount of politics will tarnish: WNYC's Brian Lehrer says it's his apology to the 9/11 families.
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Education: Wrong. Politics: Right!
Mayor Bloomberg's decision to end social promotion in the third grade caused a political earthquake, but it's possible that the mayor may be educationally wrong, but he's politically right.
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Lehrer Questions The Undecided
With the New York primary coming up, the latest Marist Poll finds New Yorkers have a clear preference, with 66 percent supporting John Kerry, just 14 percent for John Edwards, and only ten percent undecided. WNYC's Brian Lehrer says he doesn't believe it.
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Pity The Poor Republicans?
Pity the poor New York Republican, never quite comfortable in his skin. He's a red man in a blue state, forever having to walk the political tightrope that keeps him in power....
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My High Alert Moment
The terror alert level has been lowered from high to elevated. Brian Lehrer says he had a High Alert Moment last week that left him wondering both about the war on terror and Americans' war on each other.
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Asking the Right Questions
It was one week ago this morning that we all woke up to the news that Saddam Hussein had been caught. WNYC's Brian Lehrer cheered along with most of the world, but says the hard part now is to ask the right questions about what it means.
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Open Union Contracts
For the last two weeks, the chair of the New York City Council Education Committee, Eva Moskowitz, has raised eyebrows and blood pressure with her unprecedented hearings into the union contracts governing New York City Public School teachers, principals and custodians. WNYC's Brian Lehrer says there's a word for those hearings: Democracy.
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Democratic Revolution?
On Thursday, President Bush delivered a major address calling for a democratic revolution in the Middle East and around the world. WNYC's Brian Lehrer listened to the speech in London
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Just Look Decisive
They say that kids can learn life lessons from little league sports. WNYC's Brian Lehrer had an experience recently that made him realize grown-ups can, too.
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Dittoheads Take Note
Rush Limbaugh has recently disappeared from both the radio and television programs he was on, after sparking a racial controversy, and acknowledging a drug habit. WNYC's Brian Lehrer says Limbaugh's problems in the two media may be different, but they are related.
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True Lies?
Well, this has been such a mixed up week in the news, I am now having trouble
separating real life from the movies.
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Non-Partisan Elections?
Last week, Mayor Bloomberg's Charter Revision Commission approved a ballot question for this November: Should the city institute non-partisan elections? The mayor says it's a way to increase voter turnout and weaken entrenched machines.
E-mailing the Prez is Easy as 1-2-3-4-5....
Want to have your say in our democratic process? So does WNYC's Brian Lehrer, and he says it's easy to do.
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Commentary: Number One Fan
When a Katharine Hepburn or another big name from entertainment or the arts dies, we in the media take time out from the news of the day to pay tribute. Brian Lehrer wants to do that now - but not for a performer, for a member of the audience.
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New York is Still New York
The news of this week was dominated by violence in the Middle East and wrangling over tax cuts in Washington. But just below the surface were any number of reminders that New York is still New York.
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Affirmative Action President?
Has President Bush been sounding different to you lately? WNYC's Brian Lehrer says since the fall of Baghdad, he's noticed a change.
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Nine Democrats Have a Tough Act to Follow
In South Carolina, the nine Democratic Presidential Hopefuls squared off in their first major debate. WNYC's Brian Lehrer says the Democrats have to follow a tough opening act.
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Commentary: Many Like Both Bush and Sen. Clinton
Some new polls in our area have good news for Democrats - and Republicans - as long as they don't actually govern here
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Seven Ways the Peace Movement Can Shape the Future
Today is scheduled to be another day of international protests against the war in Iraq. This one is not expected to draw millions to the streets, but WNYC's Brian Lehrer has seven ways the peace movement can help shape what happens next.
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Commentary: France Lets The Anti-War Movement Down
Supporters of President Bush's Iraq policy are dumping out their French wine and renaming French Fries and French Toast Freedom Fries and Freedom Toast. But WNYC's Brian Lehrer says opponents of the President also have reason to get their next bottle of Burgundy from California, because France is letting down the anti-war movement.
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Commentary: A February We Won't Forget
Flip the page on your calendars, everyone. It's March first. WNYC's Brian Lehrer says for better or worse, the month just ended is one you'll never forget.
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New Yorkers Against War
A new poll by the Siena Research Institute finds that just 49 percent of New Yorkers support an invasion of Iraq, compared to 63 percent nationwide in the latest Gallup Poll. WNYC's Brian Lehrer has some thoughts on why that might be.
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Protest Two Presidents
WNYC's Brian Lehrer has an idea to increase the chances of avoiding a war. Protest two presidents instead of one.
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Knowing Their Names
by Brian Lehrer
A while ago, life as usual suddenly paused for many people as we got word of the space shuttle tragedy. WNYC's Brian Lehrer wonders how much we'll pause if we go to war.
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Dear Doc, Don't Strike
by Brian Lehrer
New Jersey will probably be subjected to the biggest work slowdown by doctors in U.S. history. To call for a cap on malpractice jury awards, thousands of physicians are expected to stop practicing medicine, except for emergencies.
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Anti-war Movement
by Brian Lehrer
Monday is the day that UN weapons inspectors issue a crucial report on how their work is going in Iraq. Tuesday, President Bush gives his State of The Union Address, which he may use to make a case for war. But WNYC's Brian Lehrer says the president has a few skeptics to convince: most of the American people.
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Help Wanted Ad
by Brian Lehrer
Unemployment is high right now, and good jobs are scarce. But WNYC's Brian Lehrer came across this intriguing ad for a very choice position.
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George Pataki, Used Fare Salesman
by Brian Lehrer
The head of the MTA says a mass transit fare hike is inevitable. That's different from what Governor Pataki was saying in his re-election campaign. WNYC's Brian Lehrer is wondering: just how short does the governor think our memories are?
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Commentary: A Million Dollar Nursery School?
by Brian Lehrer
WNYC's Brian Lehrer says it's amazing what kids can learn these days, if they can just get into the right nursery school. Brian says he was flipping through some essays at one of Manhattan's most exclusive schools, and found one called "All I Really Need To Know I Learned In Nursery School," by Jack Grubman's Twins. It goes like this.
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Commentary: Voter Turnout
by Brian Lehrer
Voter turnout is expected to be less than 50 percent for the U.S. Senate election in New Jersey on Tuesday. But if you're so disgusted with the choices that you're inclined to abstain, WNYC's Brian Lehrer says you may be missing the point.
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Anti-war Movement a Force in America?
by Brian Lehrer
Americans opposed to a war against Iraq are hoping for a big turnout for a protest rally in Washington DC today. WNYC's Brian Lehrer thinks the new anti-war movement could become a force in American politics -or not.
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Dominance of Minor Party Candidates=Good Radio
by Brian Lehrer
The New York State gubernatorial candidates hold their second and very possibly final debate on Sunday. Again, at Governor Pataki's insistence, debate number two will include all seven candidates on the ballot. WNYC's Brian Lehrer may be the only person in the state who liked debate number one.
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Brian's Nightmare
by Brian Lehrer
WNYC's Brian Lehrer fell asleep Thursday night listening to Senator Mike DeWine of Ohio talk about all the terrible things that could happen as a result of going to war, then announcing he would vote yes on the war resolution. When Brian woke up, he was having a nightmare about Saddam Hussein.
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by Brian Lehrer
It's been an emotional week of remembrances for the New York City area. But WNYC's Brian Lehrer says sad as this week may have been, it also highlights something to be thankful for that we may take for granted.
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Israel Boycott: Don't Join It
by Brian Lehrer
Various versions of a "Boycott Israel" petition are circulation on the internet and elsewhere. Some target products made in Israel, others are aimed at any U-S company that does business with Israel. WNYC's Brian Lehrer opposes these campaigns, and finds one in particular very disturbing.
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A Hitchhiker's Guide To The War on Terrorism
by Brian Lehrer
In politics, they sometimes use the word hitchhiking to describe the act of attaching old agendas onto new scenarios. WNYC's Brian Lehrer is here now with A Hitchhiker's Guide To The War on Terrorism.
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Questions for Ground Zero Redevelopment
by Brian Lehrer
Today at the Javitz Center, the public gets to react to the six official proposals for redeveloping ground zero, released this week by the Lower Manhattan Development Corporation. WNYC's Brian Lehrer says if you re planning to go, here are eight questions you might want to ask, when it's your turn at the mike.
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Brian Lehrer: A Noble Draw
by Brian Lehrer
The stock market may be crumbling, the middle east burning, but america spent much of the week complaining about the commissioner of major league baseball. His crime: to deny the nation what it longs for inside baseball and out: a clear winner. WNYC s Brian Lehrer speaks up in defense of the noble draw.
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Brian Lehrer: Beware My Vacation
by Brian Lehrer
WNYC talk show host Brian Lehrer has noticed a pattern in the news. Whenever he takes a vacation, the most memorable stories of the year always seem to break. Brian says last week was no exception.
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See more of Brian Lehrer's commentaries