Privacy Paradox

Feel like you've got no control over your data?
Join our 5-day plan to take back your digital identity...
and maybe even your soul.

Start the week of challenges any time, and join thousands of other Note to Self podcast listeners.

Hear from The Bachelor's executive producer, Google's in-house philosopher, the inventor of the web, and many more.

Curious? Discover your Privacy Personality.

The Challenges

We'll send you 5 newsletters. Each includes tips and a short podcast explaining the science, psychology, and tech behind that day's challenge. Hear a preview.

The Quiz

Discover your privacy personality
Are you a Believer, Realist, or Shrugger?

Here Is What We Learned

In the final episode, we talk through the results, and look to the future of privacy. With Michal Kosinski, creator of Apply Magic Sauce, and Solon Barocas, who studies the ethics of machine learning at Microsoft Research. Plus, reports from our listeners on the good, the bad and the ugly of their digital data.

People Like Our Projects

Note to Self is a public radio podcast from WNYC Studios. We love doing interactive projects with our listeners. Read reviews of Bored & Brilliant and Infomagical:

  • "The show is geek meets everyday life, making it accessible to techies and noobs alike."

    - Make Use Of

  • "The show is full of useful tips for managing your interactions with technology. If you've ever felt overwhelmed by the technology in your life, Note To Self host Manoush Zomorodi totally gets you."

    - Tech Times

  • "The feedback loop - from newsletter to podcast and then back again to the newsletter - makes the audience a key part of the campaign. It's pretty brilliant."

    - Poynter

  • "If you've been struggling to make sense of the stories about super-secretive cellular surveillance tech used by cops and governments...Note to Self does the best job I've yet seen (heard) of explaining them."

    - Boing Boing

  • "The show is geek meets everyday life, making it accessible to techies and noobs alike."

    - Make Use Of

  • "The show is full of useful tips for managing your interactions with technology. If you've ever felt overwhelmed by the technology in your life, Note To Self host Manoush Zomorodi totally gets you."

    - Tech Times

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Note to Self is WNYC's tech show about being human.
Join host Manoush Zomorodi for your weekly reminder to question everything.