David Randolph

David Randolph appears in the following:

WNYC-FM 60th Anniversary Special

Tuesday, April 08, 2003

A celebration of the 60th Anniversary of WNYC-FM. WNYC-FM went into full service on March 13, 1943.

Track 1: Introduction

Track 2: Excerpts from shows throughout the years. 1979 pianist Pauls Jacobs talks with Aaron Copland. 1948 jazz legend Thelonious Monk. 1949 Folksong Festival, ...


Schubert Quartet, Op. 161

Friday, January 01, 1965

David discusses balance in music. A typical four movement form is a good place to start. He begins with the Schubert Quartet, Op. 161. ...


Italian Symphonists

Sunday, December 22, 1963

David Randolph takes a look at Italian composers of symphonies: Symphony #22 by Gaetano Brunetti (1744-1798) Symphony #22 in G-Minor recorded by the Haydn Society by Italian Chamber Orchestra under the direction of Newell Jenkins; the first movement of the Symphony in D-Major Opus 18 No. 2 by Muzio Clementi ...


The Well-Tempered Violin Concerto

Saturday, March 03, 1956

The Well-Tempered Violin on Music for the Connoisseur on 1956-03-03


Innovators In Music

Thursday, March 24, 1955

In this program David looks at the innovators in music, the composers who went beyond their own time. The following recorded music is played:

Excerpts from Beethoven's hammarklavier sonata performed by Kurt Applebaum.

A madrigal, "Si, ch'io vorrei morire " ("Yes, I Want to ...


Early Modern

Tuesday, September 14, 1954

WNYC (Radio station : New York, N.Y.) archival audio. ...


WNYC 30th Anniversary Special

Thursday, July 08, 1954

This episode is from the WNYC archives. It may contain language which is no longer politically or socially appropriate.

Excerpts illustrating WNYC's 30-year-old legacy on the air. An announcer introduces each clip and provides context.

Clip list:
Mayor La Guardia speaking at an unnamed ...


Composers Senses of Humor

Tuesday, June 01, 1954

David Randolph devotes this program to finding out whether composers have a sense of humor.


7th Concert

Friday, February 12, 1954

The Little Orchestra Society performs under the direction of Thomas Scherman, with commentary by David Randolph. The program consists of the following works:

*NOTE: reels 2-5 are missing; this is a complete list of works performed, but not all recordings are available*

Part 1 ...


4th Concert

Friday, December 11, 1953

The Little Orchestra Society performs under the direction of Thomas Scherman, with commentary by David Randolph. The program consists of the following works:

*NOTE: reels 1, 3, and 4 are missing; this is an incomplete list of works performed*

Part 2 - Bach's "Concerto ...


2nd Concert

Sunday, November 08, 1953

The Little Orchestra Society performs under the direction of Thomas Scherman, with commentary by David Randolph. The program consists of the following works:

*NOTE: reels 1, 2, 4, and 5 are missing; this is an incomplete list of works performed*

Part 3 - Bela ...


Amateurism in Music

Tuesday, February 27, 1951

This week David considers amateurism in music. But that consideration isn't from the negative or pejorative point of view that the term has come to imply. Rather, he goes to the root of the word and suggests performance for the sake of love rather than payment. So in this broadcast ...


The Composers Workshop

Tuesday, November 14, 1950

David Randolph talks about originality and plagiarism in musical works. He begins with Mozart using Haydn and Schubert using the same melody more than once in his work. His main point, with musical illustrations, is not the theme itself, but what the composer does with the theme. The issue of ...


New York Philharmonic

Wednesday, July 19, 1950

New York Philharmonic concert, July 19, 1950, Lewisohn Stadium Der Fliegende Hollander. Overture / Richard Wagner Symphony, no. 3, op. 90, F major / Johannes Brahms Intermission...


New York Philharmonic

Wednesday, June 28, 1950

New York Philharmonic concert, June 28, 1950 Lewisohn Stadium concert. Il Guarany. Overture / Gomes Scheherazade / Nikolay Rimsky-Korsakov Intermission feature with David Randol...


New York Philharmonic

Wednesday, June 21, 1950

New York Philharmonic concert, June 21, 1950, Lewisohn Stadium Chorale prelude, arr / Johann Sebastian Bach Symphony, no. 4, op. 98, E minor / Johannes Brahms Intermission featu...


National Music League 10th Anniversary Dinner

Friday, May 07, 1948

This episode is from the WNYC archives. It may contain language which is no longer politically or socially appropriate.

National Music League 10th anniversary. National Music Week.

David Randolph introduces the program and points out prominent audience members. awards ceremony. Robert E. Simon, Jr., president of Carnegie ...

Comments [1]

Opening Concert from Museum of Natural History

Wednesday, February 12, 1947

This episode is from the WNYC archives. It may contain language which is no longer politically or socially appropriate.

Opening concert for the 8th Annual American Music Festival, a Gala Concert for Contemporary American Music featuring Carol Brice, Kenneth Spencer, Vivian Rivkin and the David Randolph Chamber Chorus, in honor ...
