Erik Vance

Science writer

Erik Vance appears in the following:

Do "Educational" Toys Actually Make Your Baby Smarter?

Monday, May 21, 2018

The allure of educational toys lies in the prospect of increasing childhood intelligence during a critical time in the child's cognitive development.


A Dad Takes His Son To The Doctor And Discovers Fear Of Vaccines

Saturday, June 10, 2017

As a science journalist, I know vaccines are safe. But when it was time to take my son to get his shots, I suddenly found myself overwhelmed by fear. Does science stand a chance against emotion?


The Mysterious Decline of the Mayan Empire

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

National Geographic's Erik Vance reports on the lost empire of the ancient Mayans. 

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The Future of the Global Fishery

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Science writer Erik Vance discusses the dismal future of the global fishery. His article “Emptying the World’s Aquarium” is in the August issue of Harper’s magazine.

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