Together with Michael Davies, Roger co-hosts Men In Blazers, a show that “mixes analysis and guest appearance in equal measure, with the aim of providing an intelligent yet often humorous, and always passionate, soccer broadcast.” Both a weekly podcast and a television show on NBC Sports Network, Men In Blazers has built a dedicated audience of die-hards who tune in for sporting narrative connected to Soccer, Open Golf, and the NFL. The duo have developed a large live following, but they are never happier than when watching soccer, with a bottle of Bud and a large pie. Twitter: @rogbennett
Roger Bennett appears in the following:
Previewing the 2022 Men's World Cup
Friday, November 18, 2022
World Cup Without US
Tuesday, July 03, 2018
The New York Times Podcast Club, IRL: American Fiasco
Monday, June 25, 2018
Revisiting the 1998 World Cup and the U.S. Men's Team's Legacy of Failure
Thursday, June 07, 2018
Mega Soccer Tournament Copa America Comes to the U.S.
Monday, June 06, 2016
About That World Cup Bite: We Predicted It
Tuesday, June 24, 2014
Here's Your 2014 World Cup Primer
Wednesday, May 28, 2014
Everything You Know Is Pong
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Eli Horowitz, editor at McSweeney’s and Roger Bennett, co-authors of Everything You Know Is Pong, talk about how ping-pong explains the world.
Everything You Know Is Pong
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Eli Horowitz, editor at McSweeney’s and Roger Bennett, co-authors of Everything You Know Is Pong, talk about how ping-pong explains the world.