The Earliest Identifiable WNYC Recording: Lindbergh at City Hall in June, 1927

Col. Charles Lindbergh with Mayor James J. Walker and Grover Whalen at City Hall, June 13, 1927. WNYC announcer Tommy Cowan is behind Lindbergh at the far left of the photo.

Charles A. Lindbergh receives a medal of valor from New York City Mayor Jimmy Walker, June 13, 1927. The aviator stood in front of the WNYC and network microphones, having just garnered tributes in Washington, D.C. for his historic non-stop solo flight across the Atlantic.

Following a massive ticker-tape parade and what The New York Times described as an outpouring of four million well-wishers, Lindbergh made his way to City Hall, where WNYC's announcer Tommy Cowan pushed a microphone toward him. 

Grover A. Whalen, Chairman of the Mayor's Committee on Receptions, told the radio audience and thousands who jammed City Hall Park, "One short month ago, it was my distinguished privilege to clasp hands and bid godspeed to a typical American boy, who, armed with sublime courage in himself, was seated in the now-famous monoplane, the Spirit of St. Louis. This is the brave young American lad, who that morning was unknown and unsung and little dreamed of the world-wide honor this great deed was to win, set the propellers of his plane roaring and, with a rush that thrilled all of us who watched him, sped off alone down that 5,000-foot runway, the last touch of American soil he was to know until his wonderful flight over the measureless seas had won for him and for his nation, a fame that would be undying..."

Mayor Walker continued:

"...Colonel Lindbergh, New York City is yours -- I don't give it to you; you won it. New York not only wants me to tell you of the love and appreciation that it has for your great venture, but is deeply and profoundly grateful for the fact that again you have converted all the old rules and made new ones of your own, and kind of cast aside temporarily the weather prophets, and have given us a beautiful day..."

The above recording represents only a small portion of the event, following Walker's remarks through the first half of Lindbergh's. It is, however, the earliest known WNYC recording that includes one of our staff announcer Tommy Cowan. When the audio of Lindbergh cuts off, he concluded his broadcast with the following:

"In regard to aviation, I would like to say a few words: that is, not to expect too rapid development. We are not going to have transatlantic service in a few months. We will have it eventually; it is inevitable, but it will be after careful development and experimental research. We should have it probably within five or ten years; but any attempt to fly across the Atlantic regularly without multi motors, without stations at intervals along the route, and without a flying boat that can weather some storm would be foolhardy. I want you to remember that aviation has developed on a sound basis, and it will continue to develop on a sound basis. I thank you."

Charles Lindbergh and Grover A. Whalen, June 13, 1927. Whalen is wearing the medal shown below. (Photo: WNYC Archive Collections)

Medal worn by Mayor Walker and others city officials at the City Hall Reception for Charles Lindbergh, June 13, 1927 (Photo: A. Lanset Collection)

The coverage provided by WNYC was the first time a national network broadcaster (NBC) picked up our feed. Announcer Tommy Cowan would later say, "When a man like Lindbergh did what he did they wanted everything that happened, the same as they have it from Washington with the President."[1]

[1] Cowan, Thomas, Federal Radio Commission testimony, Washington, D.C. , April 1932.

Audio courtesy of the Library of Congress, Motion Picture and Recorded Sound Division.