The biological mother of the 18-month-old boy allegedly beaten to death by his foster mom's boyfriend attended the funeral for the toddler in downtown Brooklyn on Wednesday.
Jamie Oram, carrying an infant child in her arms, was among the mourners who filled St. Boniface Catholic Church to remember the child, Louis Mosely, whose body was carried from the service in a tiny white casket.
"It was one of the hardest services I've done" said pastor Mark Lane. "He died a tragic death and he was a victim of something happening around him."
Louis Mosely — also known as Kymell Oram — was allegedly beaten to death by his foster mother's 19 year old boyfriend.
The baby had been placed in foster care when he was a month old because he was born addicted to opiates, sources close to the case said. His parents did not work with the Administration for Children's Services to get the child back nor did they show up for trial where a judge made a finding of neglect as to both parents, they said.
Administration for Children's Services Commissioner, John Mattingly also attended the funeral as did Deputy Mayor for Health and Human Services, Linda Gibbs.
ACS has said it is investigating "all aspects of the care of this little boy." Edwin Gould Services for Children and Families did not respond to a request for comment.
A program handed out at the funeral read: "Unable to provide for him at the time of his birth, both parents entrusted him in the care of Edwin Gould Services for Children and Families."
The child's heart was donated to a one-year-old girl in Baltimore, Maryland.
Edwin Gould declined to comment and said any response would need to come from ACS. ACS did respond for comment.