Monopoly Redesign: Do Not Pass "Go"

Music Playlist

  1. Pennies From Heaven

    Artist: The Best of Hal Kemp and His Orchestra
    Album: Hal Kemp
    Label: Collector's Choice
  2. Monopoly Money

    Artist: Random Item Songs
    Album: V-SO Hott

A Monopoly board game from the mid-1990s, including Community Chest and Chance cards, and play money.  These recognizable elements have been phased out of Hasbro’s new Monopoly Live edition, to be released this fall.

(Danni Suplicki)

Hasbro’s new Monopoly won’t be the first design evolution for the game: Elizabeth Magie filed a patent in 1903 for The Landlord's Game, an early precursor to Monopoly.


Parker Brothers began selling Monopoly in 1935, by which time the game had taken on its now-familiar look. This well-used game set dates to around 1936.

(Tyrus Balk)

The classic Monopoly game pieces, poised to “Pass GO” and “Collect $200.”

(Maxwell Scott-Slade)

Monopoly’s game pieces have changed during the game’s long history, if only slightly.

(Quite Adept)

Money is another element of the game that’s evolved over the years, but the most drastic update is yet to come: in Monopoly Live, paper money is eliminated altogether and replaced by electronic funds.

(Quite Adept)

Monopoly escapes the living room. This life-sized Monopoly house was part of an October 2009 art exhibition in Ontario.
