There’s nothing like being invited into someone’s home – especially when that home is the cavernous, history-rich Park Avenue Armory.
On Friday, February 19, Moving Theater will hold its final dress rehearsal for “Armory Show,” developed during the company’s residency there.
MT’s Brennan Gerard and Ryan Kelly, who co-created the work, have invited 25 lucky P. Clubbers to join them as guests for this run-through, which starts at 8 p.m. Please RSVP directly in the comments section in order to secure a spot.
After the performance we can all stick around for a cheap cash bar reception in MT’s studio, and some lively discussions between us and other industry guests. Brennan and Ryan are smart, provocative thinkers about performance (some of you know them from our post-show discussions), and their works, which often hover in the spaces in-between traditional genre categories, come from deep investigations into what it means to be making live art in the contemporary moment.
A bit more about what we’ll be seeing:
"A performance designed for Park Avenue Armory’s landmark rooms, ‘Armory Show’ is a reflection on questions of history, memory, the epic, and the ephemeral. Combining dance, text, and three musical scores commissioned by Moving Theater, ‘Armory Show’ is a reverie and revision at the intersection of public and military space.”
Performances by Jonathan Drillet, Davon Rainey, Marlène Saldana, Jose Tena, Anthony Whitehurst, and ICE | International Contemporary Ensemble
Original music by Nathan Davis, Mario Diaz de León, and Du Yun
“Armory Show” premieres on the 20th, and can also be seen on the 21st, if you can’t make it out Friday. Tickets are $25 for the actual performances, and somehow I suspect there won’t be a cash bar, cheap or otherwise…
Questions, comments? I’m really excited by this one – roaming around the Armory (643 Park Avenue at 67th Street) is one of my favorite things to do. Heck, it might be the only thing I like doing on Park Avenue.