Like most teenagers, Brianna loves spending time on Facebook and, most of all, she loves the drama that is constantly unfolding on her friends' and enemies' Facebook pages. But, unlike like a lot of teens, Brianna's mom puts a lot of energy into helping her navigate some of the trickier and more painful aspects of coming age in the era of social media.
Here’s an excerpt from Brianna’s Radio Rookies story:
Ok, truthfully, if it weren’t for my mom I’d go wild on Facebook. But my mom would never let that happen. She tells me “You guys think it’s fun and games and all cutesy, cutesy now, but there is going to come a time where it’s going to have an impact on your lives.”
My mom is right. I’ve seen people writing, “I got drunk last night” or saying “I’ll open my legs for you if...” you can fill in the rest. What is wrong with them? That could prevent them from getting scholarship to college! Because I know my mom is reading, I don’t post anything she would consider “inappropriate.” But best believe I’m still watching all the arguments, the breakups, the hookups--I mean one every second!
This past summer Facebook especially got interesting when someone started making these Staten island “Who Looks Better” pages. Some unknown person would steal pictures off Staten Island kids’ Facebook pages. And I’d read all the comments and laugh with my friends. Until I found my picture on one, next to my own cousin’s! And the question was “Who gets Flyer?”--flyer meaning more stylish. Most of the comments said that my cousin “gets flyer.” Even a kid I used to like wrote “Jayda all the way,” and that hurt me the most. I admit it, I felt violated.
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