New York City recorded a 27 percent increase in the number of same-sex couples over the last ten years, according to the latest data from the 2010 Census.
Same-Sex Couples
A total of 32,972 households included same-sex couples, up from 25,906 in 2000. The largest numbers of same-sex couples live in a corridor of sorts, that stretches from Greenwich Village through Chelsea and into Hells Kitchen and Midtown along the west side of Manhattan. Chelsea, long known for its gay singles scene, also registered the highest proportion of same-sex couples, and, in one census tract bounded by Sixth and Eighth Avenues and 18th and 22nd streets, 22 percent of all couples were same-sex couples.
In that same tract, gay male couples outnumbered lesbian couples 226 to 36, pointing to a larger statistic: gay male couples make up 60 percent of the same-sex couples in the city. However, exceptions exist, namely in parts of Park Slope, Brooklyn, where lesbian couples outnumbered gay male couples.
Puerto Ricans and Dominicans
The census also revealed that Puerto Ricans continue to be the largest Hispanic group in the city, outnumbering the Dominican community. There are 723,621 New Yorkers of Puerto Rican descent, compared to 576,701 Dominicans. However, the city's Puerto Rican population declined over the decade since the last census, falling by 8 percent in the last ten years. Over the same time period the Dominican population grew by 42 percent, keeping it on pace to eclipse New York's Puerto Rican community within the decade.
Asian Subgroups
Among Asian subgroups, the Chinese population crossed the half-million mark, climbing to 500,434. an increase of 34 percent in the last 10 years. The Asian Indian and Korean populations, which are the second and third largest Asian groups, grew at a more moderate pace of 13 and 14 percent, respectively.
However, the Bangladeshi population more than doubled -- to 61,788 -- helping it overtake the Japanese and Pakistani communities in size. Bangladeshis are now the fifth largest Asian group, behind the Filipino community.