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Talk to Me

Talk To Me: Charlie Kaufman Examines the Meaning of Time

Charlie Kaufman first grasped the concept of time when his mother told him that he would one day die, "but not for a very long time."  As a young child who was terrified of death, he found great comfort in the idea that death was so far in the future.

Kaufman spoke with physicist Brian Greene about time for The Rubin Museum of Art's Brainwave series, which pairs neuroscientists with artists and visionaries from multiple disciplines for lively discussions about how our minds work and how we perceive the world.


Stream and download the talk here for free.

Bon Mots

On Humans: "We're very limited creatures."

On Time: “I don't know how to get out of my head, when it comes to time. And I'm not sure anyone else can either... so much about what you're living is remembering the moment before and anticipating what's going to happen next."

On Now: "I don't know how there can be a now. I think now is a function of a brain. And if there is no brain, I think there is no now."