Mayor Lindsay Press Conference

( Associated Press )
Mayor Lindsay Press Conference
Audio courtesy of the NYC Municipal Archives WNYC Collection
WNYC archives id: 151253
Municipal archives id: T7360
This is a machine-generated transcript. Text is unformatted and may contain errors.
Every year Mr Mayor in a circle is proud to put on a show in which we tell us about your lives he said ministration. Carrying the bag here Senate gallery the floor scars. With the money the man who loves you more than anybody else Governor. Alex rose your political men to lead you want to greater things before that angels. A vice president and the president United States one doing seventy two will really be the lives a year. And the man you were nominated for a man you made a household word in this country a man whose you because of your elegance led to nominate have a good vice president was how it's. Breaking up here we got the news but the breaking up this P.B. said Mr Mayor once again we invite you into the inner circle show which will be held on March fourteenth at the New York Hilton and we hope you'll enjoy our little presentation as much as we know we're going to enjoy your presentation with. The car. All right take. Sammy and done a very if you get it wrong you know. Whether Governor Jon. Benet Ramsey I think what is it. Like I really think. They were looking for me with a ticket and I get looks like he's the perfect guy. To get new Bruno. You know when I. Heard that I committed to take and I wanted to take me to be with the feel like I got your shows. It's all. Right it's a good. Player. With a lot of life all right that. I've never going. To take it to the maker. And I'll listen I don't get better and. That's when you let me. Clear that the second. Layer of I go back to. The White House. Right. All. Right Gary thank you thank you take it good. Like your. Very very That's great thank you gentlemen thank you it's great. You got. Here. Will meet with and I'll get another senator. That. You've just given. George Doris Mr President I thank you for that ticket and that great poster up there dory Sherry's here today during want to advise you that the show for seventy five bucks is cheap at the price of. The. Second Coming don't try third coming. Out. What's next I have the Mets. At sea but Palmer but. Hopefully that will try and get the yard and theirs in. Place. The Honorable Don Spicer who is the mayor of St Petersburg Florida is having a big man stay celebration on March the fifth going to be a magnificent tribute I only wish that are free to be there myself read of it I can't be there but I've asked my friend Don grant the chair of the board of The New York Mets to personally represent me at the festivities and to present this certificate from me to the mayor of St Petersburg expressing the salute to the York City to the Mets as well as city of Petersburg I'm going to hand this to but Palmer are on salaried overworked commissioner of public events and ask him to do the honors and presenting it to Don Grant as soon as we can find it. Plays on and why I'm from Florida right now thank you Mr Mayor up percent this personally to Don Spicer in St Petersburg and I won't come back in about two months and I hope for background that it's the Mets do as well as the title up here we have for the show thank you very much. All right. But gentlemen I'm very pleased to announce that effective out may wind went. Down by M.A.R. I knew there was a problem he had. Deals with. Me. That month. Which there were. Just. Not. That your testament. But it's. Well. Yeah. Right. Right. OK. I'm very pleased to announce that Dory Sherry. Will be appointed as the commissioner of Cultural Affairs in the administration and parks recreation and Cultural Affairs serving under and with Auguste texture the administrator I've been working on dory sherry for a period of time as has Commissioner hechsher trying to get him to do this and we finally snag him he's going off on an extended trip through the world most particularly to Israel and taking a holiday and he would take up his new duties on may want Doris Sherry is a New Yorker. In every sense of the word a man of the communities he's well known in the neighborhoods of New York he has an appreciation and understanding of the neighborhoods and the roots of people. He's been involved in the cultural life of the city and its civic life. In his various roles as a leader and civic causes and causes and in on individual and personal liberties he's been regarded as one of the country's key spokesman on libertarian matters. In the field of the arts is a well known playwright producer. And has a long list of his achievements in the area of theater film other activities is is too long for me to go into at this press conference. He manages a big area the commissionership of Cultural Affairs has been vacant since the reorganization went through purposely vacant as we were testing as we went under Commissioner hexer the activities and scope in this field has has grown so remarkably that it's essential that we move forward with a full time commissioner right away. To give you some idea of the scope Mr Sherry and they and the Cultural Affairs Commissioner ship will be handling some seventy five million dollars in city funds. President Nixon announced the other day program. With forty million dollars to assist the arts in the whole country and here in New York City we spend alone seventy five million dollars in the current budget to assist the arts. That's both capital and expense budget money so you get some idea of the dimensions of these activities in which we are engaged I'm delighted that the Mr Show is going to be doing this we've worked together in the past on a part time basis it's going to be very gratifying for Commissioner Hector and me to be working with him on a full time basis. Thank you Mary Lindsay and the facts are. The opportunity given to me by Marilyn easy to serve the city of New York carries with it a deep responsibility which I pledge whatever skills I may have. In a broad sense culture means not only the art. But the ethos the mores and the environment of a society. With the cooperation and aid of the city state and national governments and committed citizens we may be able to share of as an agency that will not only Reflektor our culture but help to improve it. Thank you very much. Mr Mayor and Mr Sheriff all of us that P.R.C.A. parks recreation and Cultural Affairs and myself perhaps most of all I'm delighted to have a dory share a on board as commissioner of Cultural Affairs as the mayor said that we have tried out this field we have grown we have tested the role of the city in cultural affairs specifically since one thousand nine hundred sixty eight when the reorganization was passed and the time has come to fill the commissionership and I don't see how we could possibly have a better man I would like to mention him as the mayor they do people who have been who pioneered in this work and have been carrying the burden and the heat of the day and will continue as Mr Doris' deputies I trust I mean it's the trust and it was up to them the race happened Doris FRIEDMAN This is Friedman has been in charge of the very wide ranging program of Performing Arts in the streets and parks and squares of our city and other a shop has been are particularly a zone with the cultural institutions which receives so much money and never enough but I mean so much in proportion to our total budget so I think we are we're well set up Mr Mayor and I hope we can go forward. In the neighborhoods as you say and in all the barrios of the city I should like to add my thanks to that commission a hechsher to the work that Doris Friedman and and Arthur Ray Sheppard been doing over the last few years in holding the fort in this area and advancing in their work has been professional skillful and as I believe is advance the cause of the arts city of New York Commish to show it will be well served and I questions on this subject. I am today designating Deputy Mayor Robert Morgan sought to direct the city's effort to get its narcotics and that could. Passed he will be the chairman of the mayor's Narcotics Control Council a new body which I am establishing this body will consist of the following Mr Morgan saws chairman police commissioner Howard Leary health services administrator garden chase human resources administrator Mitchell Ginsburg Addiction Services Commissioner Larry Baer corrections commissioner George McGrath model city's administrator Jamie Williams budget director Frederick Hayes and Herbert Starr is the director of the very Institute of Justice. Boards of Education and of higher education will each be asked to designate a member also to serve on this new council. This council is charged in the executive branch of this government with coordinating all of the activities that go on within the city and the war against narcotics that has to do of course with the over one hundred million dollars of the city spends for police activity district attorney activity corrections activity parole and probation activity plus A levels in the area of programs such as the addiction services Phoenix House program and the method on program also the hospital's Department which plays a key role in this area and the health department all under the direction of course of Gordon chase the administrator. We believe that this is essential to put together something of this nature to coordinate all of the activities in this area it has very much to do also with the coordination of different levels of government the federal government as joined with the city on a narcotics death force which involves the use of manpower from both the federal service and the city service it's in its formative stages just beginning and this will require a good deal of Washington New York City direction. The governor recently announced plans and programs for a fifteen million dollar commitment to the area of narcotics and plans and programs in this area will have to be developed as well this new council which is somewhat modeled after the Coordinating Council on criminal justice which is that's far proved to be rather successful in the field of the administration of justice and and police activities. Has been developed after consultation with city council president Sanford Gallic who from the beginning is suggested a strong central coordination in this area this council is a coordinating team not an operating team the operations go on within the individual group. Things that I've just mentioned. And obviously it would take a great period of time for the deputy mayor Martins. To map out his total plans and strategy for the council Mr Deputy. The mayor said that. There is a crisis in the city in connection with not chaotic. Narcotic problem is affecting a whole generation of young people and is the major source of crime in the city and this council is going to try to bring the resources of the city to bear on this problem and to come up with both short range and long range plans when our colleagues problem certainly isn't unique to New York City it's probably the most serious problem confronting our society today and we hope to meet this problem head on and to come up with with plans which will lead to eventually to bring it under control. And this. Is the garrulous going to him and he's going to have. All this been worked out in consultation with Mr Gao like this is an executive branch Council and all of the details of it and aspects of it discussed with the present city council he supports it. He believes very strongly that needs doing it has to do with the coordination of executive branch operations and Mr galaxy liaison advice and guidance throughout would be very valuable to my home. Who will actually run things other words if the essay want to do something on the council thinks it's better to do something else and who has the power to give you any give you an example of a comparable example in the criminal justice Coordinating Council when we attack something like that when we when we launch something like. A pre-arrangement program in the Bronx it involves bits and pieces from all agencies the government courts police corrections probation parole district attorneys mayors office and so on. Same with say they Bowery program on alcoholism that was launched same in respect of the method on program and in Brooklyn. All of it does a coordinated effort ongoing. Divided up into committees which meet regularly and which attack each subject. Sure is committees made and they thrash things out whether it's Court calendars or something there are little disagreements as you go along with there worked out and the full council meets and we go forward with the strategy. You know how to centralize talks with our products fight what new stuff we're going to take on the grassroots level are there going to be more policemen assigned of our products Judy for example. Well you have thirty two thousand police now signed a narcotic security under Commissioner Larry he issued command instructions to the entire police department which first of all set up a seven command bureaus for narcotics consistent with a central command themselves they meet on a regular basis and then all individual officers patrolmen. Have been designated as in effect narcotics agents they're receiving training. These specialized narcotics bureau which heretofore was the only body that was involved in our contacts work at all is now working with the regular field forces in this area that bureau incidentally has been doubled in size in recent years under Commissioner Howard Larry obviously the police input on this is a very important one but it's not the only one and this will be part of the work of Deputy Mayor Markham saw and respect of the Narcotics Control Council to examine this and see which ways it can be strengthened and improved we now have a new input as you know which is the beginnings of the Federal City task force and strike force in this area which involves more manpower are not much but a little bit in the beginning from the federal government the more. There really were. Just all. Right you know I don't really listen ships No I don't after all and I'm not critics as nonpolitical for the life of the health of our young people or have no political implications and I think that the federal government is going to cooperate in every way they can to help us solve this problem Mr Market for. I think was last week's group of Assemblyman had something of an angry confrontation with Commissioner Leary and they charged most of them did anyway that the police department was not doing all it could to fight narcotics wild up a stored up and maintained that the police department could investigate the Black Panthers but could not seem to arrest narcotics pushers do you feel that the police department is making an effective effort or I think that the police commissioner later areas as long recognized. The seriousness of the narcotics problem and he said to me my character is tearing the guts out of the city and I know that. But he's making every effort of course everybody can do more and then one of the things that this council is going to do is to try to see how people can do more including of course the police proposing that meeting and there be a shift of priorities and making a narcotics the number one priority of the police department is that. Well I'm not. Prepared to answer specific questions I would say though yes that. Is the number one. Priority of the of the police department and purpose of this council and we're going to have our first meeting tomorrow is to sit down and decide how we can. Be more effective in this whole area of prevention as well as treatment your marriage that you have you know that narcotics in the fight on the conduct is the number one priority in the police department I think it has been for a number of years to make you know. Why the situation council president's position with this council will lead take apart will be part of it was this was the first of this campaign was that he would have this type of accounts now you know I think here I think you're mistaken on that this is this how. As to deal with Operations Executive branch operations the executive branch has the job of running big things big police departments big correction departments hospitals and health services in general and various other areas and this whole thing was worked out with. City council president Sanford Gallic each detail of it is mapped out with his approval and he fully supports it. I might be my recollections of trees in correct but as I recall Mr garrulous campaigned he said that he would head a a concentrated effort to combat a narcotic so I hope he does well but I think he's doing that now and I hope he does also that obviously he is in his capacity as president city council. He was to you know he talked about it as an assignment on assignment from the mayor not on his when he's with now perhaps my job or whatever assignment Mr Garlock would want of a specific nature in this area I would be delighted to make if he would like a. Membership on his council holistic view that's that's. This is an executive branch thing that I'd be delighted to have and then we discussed that all that was ironed out and. Mr Gallagher find service a operating part of this because that's not his function. I seem to be like asking it be like they have to be like the president in establishing the executive branch saying that worry about coordination between the Department of Justice Health Education and Welfare. And the Defense Department having that you know the speaker of the house a member of a nominee that would be the real story should be could I just between executive and legislative branches like you did you said it was to get out of decline membership honest all of this was discussed and we discussed the possibility of him being a part of this it was agreed that Sanford Gallic preference would be not to be a part of this group here because this is clearly an executive branch function Mr Ayers or through it's yours. The key word here is that stocks were police specific era drugs I was thirteen or fifteen the civic places there were uses her and there each of those was still operating. How do you explain for your question to the police commissioner he met with while the bar stool at their long meeting made public statements after that so I refer your question to the commission as the mayor another it was this week it was commission that actually was planning on the site could you comment on that's not true you're. Going to be left behind the city council and use either a standing chain right. Well that whole matter is under very intensive review or. Charges. To some degree suppressed surely reported as speculation at this. Point with the situation really good for you because. There's no foundation whatsoever the fact that just the opposite I pressed the professor sternly did he get his report as fast as possible it's not yet finished and I've called him up and pushed him on it he's agreed to work faster should he should be sure that we were. Hosted present radicals it would. Be in favor of said Right you're asking a lot of hypotheticals that we're not faced with you don't know what's going to be reported Neither do I as it's not yet finished and they will be evaluated along with all of the materials documentary evidence reports and all other thinking and ideas there because Major Congressman I'm sure in announcing his candidacy for the U.S. Senate this morning said that the Nixon administration's policy on the Middle East had encouraged the terrorist attacks including the one in which an American woman died because she said the next. Ministration was quote flirting with the Arabs I want to what your view is on this situation and particularly the next administration's problem that I'd rather not comment on today because I haven't seen what the congressman said not to glad to examine it and talk to you later what is your own future and we ask that again I'd rather not use this press conference because I'm talking about other things today to get into that area I mean if you'd like to get into that area another time a big lead to do it but not today is the mayor going to be visiting on Saturday when the first president I mean Monday what effect president lied to we'll be in the city on Monday and Monday night I'll be in Washington at the mayor's me. As the mayor on another city topic last Tuesday some of your aides announcing plans to speed up criminal trials a whole series of steps on Friday a meeting was held here and it turned out that about the only gotten to that stage of the game was to try to get some civil court. For criminal trials I wonder if you can bring us up to date on that. The progress of. Well what do you get into a very complicated area here what divest of courts to do when the leadership of the court structure is been cooperating I think rightfully indeed. Is to enter into what amounts to a crash program to get cases decided. There about eight thousand cases in detention that are awaiting disposition that side of the trial or sentence. There's another six thousand persons in detention who are under sentence and with which the state ought to be ought to be housing we have no business housing those those prisoners.