Mayor Lindsay Press Conference

The Mayor relays his best wishes to New York City's Jewish community on the eve of the beginning of Passover. He mentions his talks with the leaders of Local 32B of the building service employees and contract negotiations and makes a statement on upcoming Earth Day activities:
"I have one other announcement and that is a very strong encouragement to everyone New Yorkers and commuters please not drive cars into the city on Wednesday, April 22 this coming Wednesday the day after to morrow unless absolutely necessary. That will be the day when we will be celebrating Earth Day in New York City and the portions of our city will be closed down to automobile traffic in the gasoline engine. New Yorkers and commuters can help and can cooperate and can join in an expression against pollution and against the desperation of the environment by avoiding the gasoline engine and automobiles on Wednesday. This gives me an opportunity also to thank the Environmental Action Coalition and many private organizations and groups throughout the city for their cooperation and also to thank the press for bringing the message to the people on the program that is planned for Earth Day.
We hope very much that it won't be just a one-day thing, but it will mark the beginning of a very important and serious commitment to the improvement of the environment in which we live. One day I'll spend the day traveling throughout the city. I will walk down the thoroughfares to be close to traffic. I have some speeches to make here, and they are placed by subway or electric car. I'll be at Pratt Institute for a rally in the morning, and then I'll be in Fifth Avenue and 14th Street in the middle of the day. B in Queens and Forest Hills. In the afternoon and I'll be talking at Union Square."
He is asked to comment on Governor Rockefeller's announcement of his new so-called super agency for conservation and environmental protection.
"Well, I really haven't had a chance to examine it carefully. I'm sure that the structure of it by means of reorganization is sound because as we well know in the area of environment you can't push one button without a bunch of buttons going up somewhere else it's all interrelated. We found that out some years ago, and that's why the Environmental Protection Administration was created."
More questions and responses follow on the topics of fiscal policy, the city budget, the environment, drugs, narcotics, substance abuse prevention, and expectations from Earth Day,
Audio courtesy of the NYC Municipal Archives WNYC Collection
WNYC archives id: 151331
Municipal archives id: T7462