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Join the WhiBi Twitter Tour

WNYC is teaming up with the Whitney Museum to offer a private, curator-led Twitter tour of 2010, the Whitney Biennial, on Tuesday, March 23rd. We're choosing eight WNYC audience members to participate in the tour-- enter for your chance at being selected!

Throwing their names into the hat already:

p0ps, whose "art-making tool of choice is an iPhone 3GS."

An Xiao, an artist who says she and a friend coined the hashtag that even we use, #WhiBi. It's short for, you guessed it, Whitney Biennial.

Rachel Wells, who loves art and works for the Deputy Commissioner at the Department of Environmental Protection.

Nick Fortunato, who calls himself an "equal opportunity social media junkie."

We'd love to hear from you, too! Enter for your chance to join Carolina Miranda, Biennial co-curator Gary Carrion-Murayari and Jeffrey Inschoof of Pittsburgh's celebrated Mattress Factory.