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What Made Your Year? (And What'd You Miss Out On)

Jeff Stark, creator of the Nonsense NYC list says: "I still can't get over Taylor Mac's show at HERE. You could call The Lily's Revenge a play, but it was *so* much more. A five-hour long extravaganza. A multimedia drag show. A theatrical experiment. A burlesque explosion.

Those phrases still don't come close to capturing what was so special about it. It was like dropping into someone else's brain for a night. Sometimes in New York you get to visit another world, and in this one, dozens and dozens of artists and performers had decided to lift up one of their own as high as they could. I'll never look at a theater curtain the same way."

Stark wasn't alone.  Adam Feldman gushed all over the piece in TONY.  He said, "In its bravery, scope, creativity, extremity and sheer generosity of spirit, The Lily’s Revenge, to my mind, surpasses any American theater in New York this year." Wowzers.

But it's about you. Tell us what made your year. Name the best food, song, movie, book, show or cultural experience you had this year. We're reading your choices on WNYC this month.