Airports Authority Reverses Dulles Metro Station Decision
Photo Courtesy Flickr
(Washington, DC) UPDATED WITH DETAILS ON VOTEThe Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority has reversed its controversial decision to build an underground Metro Station at Dulles Airport.
In a 11 to 1 vote, the Authority’s Board agreed to a proposal from Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood, that includes an above ground option for the new Metro station at Dulles.
Just months earlier, the Authority angered many by choosing the underground option, which -- while more convenient for travelers -- would have been hundreds of million dollars more expensive.
Had the Authority not reversed course, Fairfax and Loudoun Counties would have likely withdrawn their shares of funding… something that almost certainly would have been a death blow for the entire Silver Line project.
Federal Transit Administrator Peter Rogoff says there was no plan B for saving the project, had the Authority rejected LaHood’s proposal today.
The Authority's decision earlier this year to build the station underground at a cost of some $300 million more than one above ground was widely criticized by local political leaders, who would be responsible for paying the extra cost.
Ray LaHood, the U.S. Secretary of Transportation, stepped in with a compromise in June that would effectively eliminate the underground option.
LaHood's compromise, which includes an above ground station but would make the localities responsible for the cost of several parking garages in the plan was reviewed by board for the past several weeks.