RNC Interview w/ House Transpo Chair John Mica: "My Race was Heart and Soul of Repub Party"
Transportation Nation partners, The Takeaway and WNYC are broadcasting night and day live from the Republican National Convention.
Here's a short conversation between our Washington Correspondent Todd Zwillich and House Transportation Committee Chair, Congressman John Mica (R-Fla).
Mica talks cautiously about Republican chances in November and addresses some tough questions on the "soul" of the GOP as Tea Party candidates try to shift the party rightward, and away from longtime incumbents like himself.
"You can get all the republicans you want and you still can't win. You have to have independents and you also have to have soft democrats as we call them," Mica says.
Mica just emerged from a scathing and expensive primary battle with a Tea Party challenger. "We said my race was about the heart and soul of the Republican party," Mica says. "The good news is the heart and soul is still very sound."
He called himself "living proof" that Republican voters want "adult supervision" in Washington, and predicted compromise and leadership if his party wins big in November.
Keep checking back for more from the RNC and soon the DNC from key political players in the world of transportation and infrastructure.