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Transportation Nation
South Florida Should be a Cyclists' Haven -- But It Isn't
South Florida Bikes (Photo courtesy Diego Quiros)
(Miami, FL -- Ruth Morris and Arianna Prothero, WLRN) This is a place that’s sunny, warm, and flat. It seems like it should be a pretty perfect place to ride a bike. It’s not.
Last month, the 36-year-old father, husband and amateur triathelte Aaron Cohen was hit and killed by a car while riding on the Rickenbacker Causeway. The tragedy revived an old debate about how drivers and cyclists share—or don’t share—our roads.
WLRN in Miami asked riders and cyclists to to talk to each other -- the conversation made a dynamite podcast, which you can listen to here.
And read the comments -- much food for thought.
Arianna Prothero is a reporter with WLRN - Miami Herald News in South Florida. You can find more of WLRN's transportation reporting at wlrn.org.