Long-Awaited DC Metro Audit Will Be Released By GAO Thursday
(David Schultz, WAMU -- Washington, D.C.) A long-anticipated federal audit of Metro will be released to the public Thursday, according to a spokesman at the Government Accountability Office.
We've reported on Transportation Nation in the past about several Metro governance criticisms and scandals. The GAO says it expects to complete the audit of Metro and its governance structure by Thursday and may release it to the public then, or it may allow Maryland Sen. Barbara Mikulski to review the report or 30 days before making it public.
Mikulski requested the audit nearly two years ago after the deadly Red Line train crash.
Since then, the GAO has been looking into the way Metro makes decisions and governs itself. Many prominent local leaders, especially Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell, have been calling for sweeping changes in Metro's governance, and this report could provide them with the momentum needed to enact those changes.
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