One NY Artist: Illustrator James Gulliver Hancock

James Gulliver Hancock

There are thousands of artists in New York City. Some are famous internationally, while others are scratching out a living while perfecting their craft in basements or on stage. WNYC is bringing a few of them to the spotlight, in their own voices.

Here, Australian illustrator James Gulliver Hancock. He works in Greenpoint, Brooklyn, drawing for several publications like The New York Times, and companies like Coca-Cola. And as a side project, he is drawing all the buildings of New York City.

Hancock said when he first moved to New York a few years ago he felt he already knew the city through its famous buildings. But he thinks his drawings can change how people see their surroundings. "I hope to have buildings that people know, and buildings that surprise people," he said. "They might go, wow, I have walked that street a thousand times, I have never seen that building."

Click on the audio link above to listen to Hancock talk more about the project, and about his passion for drawing.

Flatiron Building
Flatiron Building
Strand bookstore
Strand bookstore
St. Patrick's Cathedral
St. Patrick's Cathedral
Mott Street
Mott Street
Apple Store
Apple Store
St. Mark's Place
St. Mark's Place