Can Anyone Become A Hacker?

Part 4 of the TED Radio Hour episode The Hackers.

About Jay Silver's TEDTalk

Why can't two slices of pizza be used as a slide clicker? Why shouldn't you make music with ketchup? Inventor Jay Silver talks about the urge to play with the world around you and demos MaKey MaKey, a kit for hacking everyday objects.

About Jay Silver

Jay Silver is the founder and director of JoyLabz and a Maker Research Scientist at Intel Labs. He also runs digital prototyping workshops for many companies such as IDEO and youth centers such as Computer Clubhouses.

Silver studied electrical engineering at Georgia Tech, where he was named Engineer of the Year. He was awarded a Gates Scholarship to earn a master's in Internet Technology from Cambridge University. He also holds a master's in Media Arts and Sciences from MIT Media Lab where he was an NSF Fellow.

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