Touring is where the money is in the music business, as Billboard magazine’s annual “Money Makers” report once again confirms. Today, Billboard executive editor Craig Marks explains how U2 made the most money in the music world in 2009, thanks largely to their 44-show tour. The band made almost twice as much as the next biggest earner on the list, Bruce Springsteen.
Then: The Philadelphia Orchestra, one of the world’s elite ensembles, faces the threat of bankruptcy and nearly 40-percent-empty houses. Philadelphia Inquirer music critic Peter Dobrin explains what's in store after the musicians agreed to concessions in pay and pensions.
Then: The Philadelphia Orchestra, one of the world’s elite ensembles, faces the threat of bankruptcy and nearly 40-percent-empty houses. Philadelphia Inquirer music critic Peter Dobrin explains what's in store after the musicians agreed to concessions in pay and pensions.