Investigation Uncovers Black Market For Street Food Vendor Permits

An investigation by the city has uncovered an alleged black market for street food vendor permits, and resulted in six arrests. WNYC's Ilya Marritz reports the probe could also cause changes in the way the limited number of permits are allocated.

REPORTER: If you're one of the holders of the three thousand full-time food vendor permits, you can send a friend to renew your permit. You don't need to show your face.

The Department of Investigations says that's created a lucrative illegal market for second-hand vendor permits. A permit purchased from the city for two hundred dollars could re-sell on the black market for as much as $15,000. Some food vendors say they have no choice but to buy their permit illegally.

Investigations Commissioner Rose Gill Hearn is recommending a slew of measures, including in-person permit renewals. The permitting agency, the Department of Health, says it's considering that.

Food vendor advocates say the city should also increase the total number of permits to meet demand. For WNYC, I'm Ilya Marritz.