Mayor Releases First TV Campaign Ads

The mayoral election is more than six months away but New Yorkers will soon hear the first TV ad to be released by the Bloomberg campaign. The ad focuses on the troubled economy and shows Bloomberg speaking to working New Yorkers, business executives and others. Looking into the camera the mayor says "we can't afford to play games".

BLOOMBERG: My solution is built on independent leadership focus on the facts and real solutions. Deliver for the people not special interests.

In a Spanish version of the ad, his message is delivered with an upbeat soundtrack and images of the 7 train and Latinos playing soccer at a Queens park. In Spanish, the mayor says it doesn't matter where you come from. If you live in New York, you're part of this great family.

Campaign spokesman Howard Wolfson wouldn't say how much the campaign is spending, but described the ad-buy as mid-size and said it would air on broadcast and cable channels.