Homeless Reduction Falls Short of City's Goal

The Bloomberg administration is coming under pressure for failing to meet its goal of reducing homelessness by more than 60 percent by 2009. So far, shelter numbers have dropped 9 percent - that's less than 4,000 people. During a hearing yesterday, City Councilman Bill de Blasio told Homeless Services Commissioner Robert Hess that the city's goal is not realistic.

DE BLASIO: I would be heartened if you would say here is a new goal that we actually believe we can meet or come very close to meeting and we're going to put everything we got into meeting that goal rather than have an extraordinary goal that continues to be ignored.

REPORTER: In response, Commissioner Hess said the city is not ignoring the goal to reduce homelessness, and he's willing to discuss new strategies.

Throughout the hearing Hess insisted that while the numbers had not dropped as expected, the Homeless Services agency had reformed the shelter system, making it more efficient and humane.