Transportation Bill Seeks Relief for MTA

The MTA is banking on a federal transportation bill that could bring $237 million to New York State.

REPORTER: The majority would go to New York City. The House has already passed the measure. It's intended to bring relief to commuters who've switched to mass transit because of rising fuel costs. MTA chairman Lee Sander says the agency's costs are up, too.

SANDER: We're facing deficits of several hundreds of millions dollars and obviously the support that we would get from Washington would be very helpful either in terms of preventing it or mitigating it and without that kind of help we are in very very difficult shape.]

REPORTER: Sander says MTA fuel costs are up $180 million this year, while tax revenues are down.

The transportation bill is sponsored by Senator Hillary Clinton. Her appearance with Sander at Grand Central Friday drew hundreds of rush hour spectators, eager to catch a glimpse of the former presidential candidate.