Local Colombians Hail Hostage Rescue

Colombians in Jackson Heights say they are proud of the way their government back home rescued 15 hostages including French-Colombian politician Ingrid Betancourt and three American military contractors. WNYC's Cindy Rodriguez reports.

REPORTER: At Mi Colombia Bakery in Jackson Heights, Queens, several local residents stared up at a TV screen and watched their fellow Colombians celebrate the hostage rescue back home. Many said they were proud it occurred without violence or casualties.

Angela Moreno said it was a very intelligent strategy that was used against the paramilitary group called the FARC. And she added everything was planned by the Colombians.

MORENO: Uno strategia muy buena que los hicieron a los FARC. Muy inteligentes....y todo fue planeado for los colobmianos. Todos los necesitamos somos muchos anos con lucha y desfuerzo que no vale la pena y todos necesitamos vivir en paz.

REPORTER: Several saw the rescue as proof President Alvaro Uribe was closer to defeating the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia. Paola Moreno who works behind the bakery counter said she would return to her country if the fighting were to stop. For WNYC, I'm Cindy Rodriguez

Underreported: American Hostages in Colombia