New York, NY —
New York's Assembly has passed a package of pro-tenant bills aimed at keeping more apartments rent stabilized.New York's Assembly has passed a package of pro-tenant bills aimed at keeping more apartments rent stabilized.
Right now, landlords may deregulate their units once rents reach $2,000 a month. One bill would end that practice. Another would increase penalties for landlords who harass their renters.
Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver says the bills are an aggressive attempt to make sure tenants can remain in their communities.
SILVER: Tenants are no different from those who own. They need an affordable, safe place to live and they need to be protected from abuses and from a market that drives them out.
REPORTER: The Rent Stabilization Association, a landlord group, adamantly opposes the bills. A spokesman says the legislation will discourage landlords from wanting to do business in the city.
Tenant groups say they have the support of Governor Paterson, who supported similar pro-tenant legislation during his time in the Senate.