Deliberations Continue in Nixzmary Brown Case

Still no verdict in the murder trial of Cesar Rodriguez, the man accused of murdering his 7-year-old step-daughter, Nixzmary Brown.

Jurors have been deliberating for about a day and half. WNYC's Cindy Rodriguez reports.

The trial lasted for more than 10 weeks and now the predominantly female jury must decide Rodriguez's fate.

Among other things, jurors have requested another look at the testimony of two medical examiners who gave different accounts of when the child most likely received a deadly blow to the head.

Failing to get Nixzmary medical attention is part of the murder charge and the defense has tried to prove the head injury happened just hours before death.

Prosecutors maintain she was gravely injured for two days and her parents did nothing about it. If convicted, Rodriguez could face up to life in prison.

Deliberations will continue Monday.