New Site Aimed at Former Foster Kids

REPORTER: Youth Communication is launching a site that will list resources for finding things like housing and college scholarships.

Director Keith Hefner says being in foster care is often traumatic and many teens require mental health services.

HEFNER: There's a list of probably 200 clinics that you can click on and you can find the one in your neighborhood if you need to go to it and what kind of insurance they take and what kind of languages they speak. That's a huge right at your fingertips list of resources that many young people aging out of care will need.

REPORTER: Hefner says the site is also designed to assist caseworkers and others who work with kids emerging from the foster care system.

According to the Administration for Children's Services, about 1200 young people leave foster care each year - less than a quarter get adopted or are able to go back to their biological parents.