City Provides Essential Services to Homeless

Medical and dental checkups, haircuts and massages were all available under 1 roof yesterday for homeless New Yorkers. WNYC's Cindy Rodriguez reports.

REPORTER: The city says the main purpose of the 2-day event was to get people to fill out housing applications. The Department of Homeless Services wants to place 150 individuals into their own places. Roc Montowns met with housing specialists at the event. He says he's been homeless for 3 years.

MONTOWNS: Next week, I'm going in for an intake interview. So hopefully by next week, the week after, I'll be ok.

REPORTER: Forty-three-year-old Thomas Westbrook wasn't so sure he would apply for housing today.

WESTBROOK: I went to the dentist, that's where I just came from and now I'm going to get a haircut. I do one step at a time.

REPORTER: The city is trying to move more people off the streets by offering them their own private rooms or apartments instead of a bed at a shelter. So far, it says 58 people who attended the event will get housed. For WNYC, I'm Cindy Rodriguez.