State Task Force to Fight Abuse of Freelance Status

New York Governor Spitzer has created a task force to tackle the growing trend of employers improperly classifying workers as independent contractors as a way to get out of paying benefits. WNYC's Cindy Rodriguez reports:

RODRIGUEZ: The state Department of Labor says employers classify workers as freelancers to avoid paying workers compensation, unemployment benefits and federal taxes. These non-employees are also not required to be paid the minimum wage or overtime. Each of these benefits is regulated by a different agency. State Labor Commissioner Patricia Smith says the task force will coordinate them all in an effort to step up enforcement.

SMITH: They are going to come down much harder on employers and the goal is that if the employer has to pay for all of those violations then they are going to be much less likely to mis-classify their employees.

RODRIGUEZ: Smith says a worker should be considered a regular employee if the bulk of their income comes from one place. The tactic is found most often in several industries, including construction and truck driving.

For WNYC, I'm Cindy Rodriguez