HUD Head to Visit Starrett City

The US Secretary of Housing and Urban Development will visit Starrett City today. He could block the sale of the complex along the Jamaica Bay because it's one of the largest subsidized housing complexes in the country. And it's not just politicians who are upset about the $1.3 billion deal. WNYC's Cindy Rodriguez reports.

REPORTER: The criticisms range from concerns about possibly rising rents to complaints that at least one main partner of Clipper Equity has a history of running shoddy buildings. The owner in question is David Bistricer and his allegedly troubled property is known as Flatbush Gardens. Shirley Wade moved into one of its 59 buildings in 2005.

WADE: For almost a year we didn't have no elevator when I first came here. It was old and then eventually shut off.

REPORTER: Wade says hot water used to be sporadic too. While both problems have been resolved, she complained it takes too long to fix things. But Herman Heinz was willing to cut the landlords some slack.

HEINZ: People can't expect Fifth Avenue overnight, it going to take time.

REPORTER: Heinz has worked as a locksmith at the buildings for several years and recently decided to take an apartment there. Bistricer's spokesman says the buildings were in poor shape when they were purchased in 2005 and millions of dollars have been spent to improve them. Still, the city isn't impressed and says while 2100 violations have been removed another 1800 have been added.