Local Cubans React to Castro News

News that Cuban leader Fidel Castro has temporarily relinquished power following intestinal surgery has some New York Cubans hoping he will never return to power. WNYC's Cindy Rodriguez reports:

At a Cuban restaurant in Queens, there was no sympathy for Castro. A man who would only give his name as Mr. Macelli expressed the sentiments of several staff and patrons born in Cuba.

MACELLI: My wish is that he finish with his life and leave the people alone and letting people live like a human being.

REPORTER: Next door at a Cuban Bakery, Julio Garcia, a soft-spoken man in his sixties said he was imprisoned by Castro and the news has made him emotional:

GARCIA: I even get sad sometimes thinking about it. It give me the memories of all the years we suffered through him, give me memories of when I have to leave Cuba because of him.

REPORTER: Fidel Castro has been in power since 1959. His 75 year old brother will take over while he recovers. For WNYC, I'm Cindy Rodriguez