Wooden Hired to Resolve Freedom Center Dispute

The dispute over whether a museum dedicated to the "story of freedom" deserves to be at the rebuilt World Trade Center has grown so intractable that a professional mediator has been hired to end it.

The Lower Manhattan Development Corporation has entrusted Peter Wooden to resolve the differences between a small vocal group of 9/11 families and the International Freedom Center. Wooden recently worked as a mediator for the 9/11 Victims Compensation Fund. Earlier this week, the Freedom Center created a family advisory board to help it prove that its exhibits would be tasteful, and NOT anti-American, as some have claimed. Meanwhile, the LMDC announced it is giving the Drawing Center 150-thousand dollars to look for a new location. The non-profit has also come under fire by family members who claim their exhibits are politically themed and controversial. For WNYC: I'm Cindy Rodriguez.