New York, NY —
Recent state budget cuts mean New York City will have to reduce funding to programs for the mentally ill by more than 3.6 million dollars. WNYC's Cindy Rodriguez reports.
More than 20 programs City wide will be affected by the budget cuts that are supposed to be implemented this July. Many of them provide recreational activities and respite care. The Department of Health says it was also forced to cut two much needed programs that provide legal services.
The Urban Justice Center runs a clinic that represents the mentally ill in eviction cases and helps restore benefits like disability payments. Director Bill Leinhard says its likely closure will have dire consequences.
LEINHARD: Very likely they will plummet through the safety net into the cycle of homelessness, hospitalization and incarceration which is far more expensive for society and far worse for the people involved.
A spokesman at the state budget office says overall funding to localities increased by 4 percent.
The City Counci will hold a hearing on the budget cuts later this afternoon.