The Whimsy of Artist Leo Garel Fills the WNYC Masterwork Bulletin.
From the Collection
LEO GAREL (1917-1999)
Garel created more than two dozen illustrations for the WNYC Masterwork Bulletin between 1939 and 1941. Leo Garel was an American artist and cartoonist whose work was published in The New Yorker, The Saturday Evening Post, and Playboy, among others. He was born in Brooklyn and attended Parsons School of Design, the New York School of Fine and Applied Art and the Art Students League

Following his work for WNYC, Garel traveled to New Mexico, where he painted and exhibited at the legendary Blue Door Gallery and at Galeria Escondida in Taos. Later in life, Garel lived and worked in the Berkshire Mountains of Massachusetts. Encouraged by his friendship with the psychoanalyst Erik H. Erikson, who himself had worked as a painter, Garel was a pioneer and an innovator in art psychotherapy at the Austen Riggs Center in Stockbridge, MA. He taught painting and continued to exhibit actively until his death in 1999. (WNYC Archives Collection)