Guest Picks: David Rakoff

David Rakoff stopped by The Leonard Lopate Show to share some of his favorite books, movies and more with us.

What have you read or seen recently (book, play, film etc…) that moved or surprised you?

“Brief Encounter” at St. Ann’s

“Gatz” at the Public

“Olive Kittredge” by Elizabeth Strout

“The Man in the Wooden Hat” by Jane Gardam

What are you listening to right now?

I have no iPod. I only listen to the radio. So, WNYC.

What’s the last great book you read?

See above.

What’s one thing you are a fan of that people might not expect?

As someone often seen as hating everything and being immune to pleasure, which isn’t true, I love everything (except sports). I’m just scared of it.

If you only had one day left, how would you spend it in New York City?

One day left? To live? Or to live here? Either way, it’s too horrible a concept to contemplate. I hope it never happens.