The New York Philharmonic begins a three-week celebration on Wednesday, October 25, of its much beloved, former music director, Leonard Bernstein. The "Bernstein's Philharmonic" will focus on his symphonies including Symphony No. 1 Jeremiah and No. 3 Kaddish. Alan Gilbert will make his first appearance with the Philharmonic after stepping down last year as music director to conduct Symphony No. 1, as well as Bernstein's "Serenade." Leonard Slatkin will conduct Kaddish, a work dedicated to President John F. Kennedy.
The Philharmonic's festival is part of a series of global events celebrating the composer and conductor in the lead up to the centennial of his birth in August of next year. Bernstein died in 1990 at the age of 72. He led the Philharmonic from 1958 to 1969.
The festival will also include a "Young People's Concert" with several Bernstein works including the overture to Candide as well as selections from On the Town and West Side Story. Bernstein's daughter, Jamie, will speak at that event on November 11, 2018.
Jamie Bernstein spoke with WNYC's Jamie Floyd about the events at the Philharmonic and her father's legacy.
[Click on LISTEN to hear the interview]
Bernstein's Philharmonic: A Centennial Festival
David Geffen Hall at 10 Lincoln Center Plaza
Oct. 25 through November 14, 2017.