Inside the Homes of the Spanish Colonial Elite

Art and household items from the homes of Spanish elite in colonial Latin America are now in the Brooklyn Museum.

The show is titled "Behind Closed Doors: Art in the Spanish Home" and features paintings, household items and textiles from the homes of noble families in Mexico City, Lima and the Caribbean from the 18th and 19th centuries.

Among the show's prized pieces is a painting by Puerto Rican artist Jose Campeche titled "Dona Maria de Los Dolores Gutierrez del Mao y Perez" from 1796, being exhibited for the first time.

The show runs now through January 24th.

Brunias Painting at Brooklyn Museum of Art
Brunias Painting at Brooklyn Museum of Art
Jose Campeche Painting at Brooklyn Museum of Art
Jose Campeche Painting at Brooklyn Museum of Art
Folding Screen at Brooklyn Museum of Art
Folding Screen at Brooklyn Museum of Art
Peruvian Leather Bound Chest at Brooklyn Museum of Art
Peruvian Leather Bound Chest at Brooklyn Museum of Art
Painting of Incan Royalty at Brooklyn Museum of Art
Painting of Incan Royalty at Brooklyn Museum of Art
Spanish Cuadrada at Brooklyn Museum of Art
Spanish Cuadrada at Brooklyn Museum of Art