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New Jersey News

Christie Relations With Press Get Frosty

Maybe it means the scandal-plagued gov is shaking off the pressure and is back to his old self. Maybe it means he's cracking under the pressure. Either way, Christie has had a number of encounters over the last week in which he's snapped at reporters. Here's a rundown:

  • On Tuesday, the Bergen Record's statehouse reporter Michael Linhorst caught up with the governor on his way into a National Republican Senatorial Committee fundraiser in Manhattan:

Asked by a reporter to describe the message he planned to deliver to the group, the governor shot over his shoulder, "Seriously? Are you kidding me?" as he hurried into the club.

  • After Christie's town hall meeting on Thursday, as the governor ducked out of the back of a VFW hall, Washington Post national political reporter Robert Costa awaited him and asked him why none of the constituents at the town hall meeting asked about bridgegate: 

Christie glared at me, shook head, and said "people care about REAL problems," then left building.

“What don’t you get about me not talking to you?” an unsmiling Christie told a POLITICO reporter while he and aides waited for a walk signal on a street corner in downtown Washington on Saturday, after slipping out of the NGA gathering.

  • On his way out of a Republican Governors Association reception at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce headquarters on Friday, The Record's Washington correspondent, Herb Jackson, asked for a chat:

Asked if he would comment on event, replied 'Heck no,' got in SUV 

  • The Star-Ledger's Christie reporter, Jenna Portnoy, asked the governor on Saturday if he was going to fire David Samson, the chairman of the Port Authority who has been accused of no less than a half-dozen questionable official actions since bridgegate broke last month. Samson is also a Christie mentor, fundraiser and adviser. After she posed the question, Christie just looked at Portnoy -- and ignored her.