New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio scored a big win for his affordable housing plan on Tuesday when the City Council approved controversial zoning changes.
But that was after protesters disrupted a roll call vote on two measures – Mandatory Inclusionary Housing and Zoning for Quality and Affordability.
“People have the right to their opinion, but we must do business in this chamber,” said Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito, calling for security. “I'll ask that we clear the gallery, thank you very much.”
Mark-Viverito called for a brief recess so emergency medical personnel could treat a protester injured when security attempted to remove him because, officials said, he had super-glued his hand to another protester.
When the meeting resumed, Mark-Viverito acknowledged the passions stirred by the zoning changes, particularly by people who fear the changes won’t do enough for low-income residents.
“We are in a situation where, as leaders and as legislators, things will come before us where we will not be able to please everyone,” said Mark-Viverito.
Despite the interruption, both measures passed by wide margins.
Mandatory Inclusionary Zoning, which mandates that developers set aside a certain percentage of housing at below market rates, passed with 42 voting yes and 5 voting no. Zoning for Quality and Affordability, which is expected to spur the creation of more senior housing, passed with 40 voting yes, 6 voting no and 1 abstention.
In a statement, the mayor praised the Council’s vote: “New York City is now one step closer to being a city where everyone can work and live. New rules for developers. Fairness and affordability for tenants.”
The mayor also announced plans to host a celebratory rally in Foley Square at 4 p.m. Wednesday to mark the passage of these zoning changes.
Now the focus of de Blasio’s affordable housing plan shifts to 15 neighborhoods targeted for rezoning. East New York in Brooklyn is the first on that list.
City Council member Rafael Espinal, who represents the neighborhood, voted in favor of the citywide zoning changes, but remains opposed to the current plan for his district.
A vote is expected in late April, according to Council officials.