Conference on Marijuana

Congressman Edward I. Koch opens this 1969 Conference on Marijuana recorded at the Guggenheim Hall of the Mount Sinai Medical Center School of Nursing.

Koch mentions a bill proposal to establish a presidential commission to investigate Marijuana use and decriminalization. He hopes that this conference will garner some "intelligent up-to-date" conclusions and potential legislative actions.

Mitchell Krause, host of Channel 13's nightly news, moderates the panel of six speakers, with a break for a "cigarette or whatever."

The first speaker is Dr. Joel Fort of the University of California, Berkeley. Fort argues that the demonization of marijuana use is defined by "Moral Entrepreneurs" who ignore broader implications of drug use. He believes that drug use is a barometer of America's social ills. The exaggerated views of the extreme right and the extreme left ignore the effect that marijuana has on an individual, which he compares to the range of behaviors that one can observe at a cocktail party. He argues that there is no validity to the "gateway drug" concept and calls for the decriminalization of all drugs in favor of focusing on broader social problems. "We should encourage people to turn on to the world around them, to tune into knowledge and feeling, and to drop into changing and improving the quality of American life."

The next speaker is Dr. Henry Brill, Psychiatrist and Director of the Pilgrim State Hospital. He asserts that marijuana is not harmless - that there are medical effects such as aggressive behavior - but that it does not, however, produce physical dependence. In disagreement with Dr. Fort, Brill believes that there is a correlation between marijuana use and further experimentation with drugs like heroin. However, he does agree that laws controlling the possession of marijuana are excessive and deserve a review. He urges the audience to look into research conducted in other countries with a longer history of use. He argues that we do not know if Marijuana is sufficiently harmless and that the substance should remain illegal.

Dr. Sidney Cohen, Director at the National Institute of Mental Health, is the next to speak. He agrees that there is no pharmacological quality in marijuana that leads to crime, no tendency to be aggressive but rather to withdraw. He believes that it generally does not lead to a condition of dependence based on how potent the substance is. He believes that there is a definitive link between marijuana use and more debilitating drugs but agrees that laws controlling the substance are too excessive, suggesting that possession should be reduced to a misdemeanor.

Harold Rothwax, a lawyer and director of the Mobilization for Youth Legal Services, asserts that the penalty for marijuana use should be removed entirely. He declines to comment on the medical or psychological aspects of marijuana use, arguing that if it is harmful, the medical profession should treat abuse of the substance instead of the law. He believes that the current legal penalties are the problem - not the use of marijuana - and that the consequences to the individual and the entire system are too adverse. He argues that marijuana is an "invisible crime" and therefore too difficult to regulate, that it is a tool to harass people of color, that it inhibits medical research and that the invasion of privacy is too great.

Next, Frederick M. Garfield, Assistant Director of the Federal Bureau of Narcotics, believes that there is already too much freedom to conduct drug experiments by "amateur investigators" and that the public should not have "unrestrained freedom in the drug area." He believes that the link between use of marijuana and further drug use is inconclusive but that there is statistical evidence that marijuana use causes damage to individuals and society. He advises against this "social experiment" of diminishing the laws arguing that the benefits of the laws outweigh the risks. He advocates for a clear and rational review of legislation that penalizes drug possession as well as proposed laws.

Dr. Fort is invited to speak again as he must leave for another conference. He rebuts research studies that suggest a dependence on Marijuana. He insists on decent medical care and research for those living in ghettos and laws are "hard on drugs and soft on people."

The final speaker, Bardwell Grosse, Director of the National Student Association's drug studies program, argues that marijuana should be taken out of the same classification as heroin on the basis that there is no more potential for abuse than with legal drugs such as alcohol and cigarettes. He advocates for the legalization of marijuana arguing that if you lie to the public about marijuana, they won't believe you when you warn them about more harmful drugs.

After a break, the speakers are invited to refute any points made by fellow panelists. Dr. Cohen argues that the youth perpetuate the myths about marijuana instead of the legal and medical community and that laws create a necessary balance between personal freedom and social responsibility. Grosse disagrees, however, asserting that those suffering from drug addiction are penalized to a socially irresponsible degree.

Dr. Brill reiterates that it is safer to wait for more research on the effects of marijuana. He chides, "in my opinion one does not learn about alcohol and alcoholism by drinking." Rothwax replies that legalization is an argument of personal freedom, that it is a question of values, not public safety. Dr. Garfield disagrees citing a case in Boston. Grosse clarifies that he supports the legal control of marijuana in a manner comparable to alcohol.

Next, the panel receives questions from the audience. Brill is asked about his marijuana experimentation. Another audience member asks if the control of marijuana use can be considered a political act. The recording ends during a question about medical research.

Audio courtesy of the NYC Municipal Archives WNYC Collection

WNYC archives id: 150790
Municipal archives id: T7805