Connecting Congress: Rep. Lowey

New York Congresswoman Nita Lowey (D)

United States Congresswoman Nita Lowey (D-NY17) connects her work in Congress with her New York constituents in Westchester and Rockland Counties.

Congresswoman Lowey, who has been very involved in the new Tappan Zee Bridge project, says she's excited to see the final result. When asked how the project will be paid for in its entirety, she said, "We're still working on securing additional money. We've got to keep those tolls low, especially for people who go back and for every day to go to work."

The congresswoman is also the ranking Democrat on the House Appropriations Committee. She explained the difference between her committee and the Budget Committee:

"We just had a major bipartisan budget agreement which in fact provided relief from the damaging sequester...The budget committee does a lot of talking…but we have to actually provide the funds."

Brian asked: do you think women tend to work in a bipartisan fashion more frequently than men? Congresswoman Lowey responded:

"Well, let me just say this: as a mother of 3 and a grandmother of 8, many of us bring our personal experiences of working together, solving problems in families, and there are some men who work together in a bipartisan way, but many of the women…are pretty good at it."

When asked about the Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement, she said she's waiting for an economic impact report in the spring but she has concerns about workers' and human rights in the deal.

Congresswoman Lowey also declared her support for Hillary Clinton, saying Trump and many candidates couldn't become president in her judgment. 

You can connect with Congresswoman Lowey by emailing her (follow this link to verify your address in her district) or engaging with her on Twitter.