Connecting Congress: Senator Schumer

Sen. Charles Schumer at the National Press Club on Nov. 25.

United States Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY) connects his work in Congress with his New York constituents.

On the Trans-Pacific Partnership, Senator Schumer said he's opposed to the trade deal, saying "these trade agreements hurt the middle class." He continued:

"China does more damage on trade than anything that’s good in TPA. What I tried to do was add to the TPP bill a tough provision on China's currency…and the [Obama] administration opposed that. I think their policies on trade are wrong."

He also addressed the fact that his name came up several times during the most recent Republican debate, mostly in regards to immigration reform, saying he's proud of the fact that he put together a "a bipartisan immigration bill" and "they all should've supported me."

And when asked about Democrats losing elected positions across the country, Senator Schumer went on to make a few predictions for the new year:

"I think you’re going to see a turn in 2016. My prediction is Hillary Clinton will be the nominee and win by a significant amount of electoral votes. I believe we’ll take back the Senate. I believe we’ll take back the seats in the House. The elections have gone sort’ve back and forth: in presidential years the Democrats do well; in non-presidential years the Republicans do well. But I think the trend is in our direction, more broadly. Because when middle class incomes are hurting…people don’t believe the Republican nostrum."

You can connect with Senator Schumer by emailing him (follow this link) or engaging with him on Twitter.