Daily News to GOP: Gun Control Not Prayers to Stem Mass Shootings

Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, speaks at the podium as Reps. Louie Gohmert, R-Texas, and Michelle Bachmann, R-Minn., look on, during a rally on the east front lawn of the Capitol . Dec 3 2014.

Jim Rich, editor-in-chief of the NY Daily News, discusses the newspaper's controversial cover story about the San Bernardino shooting (seen below), which makes a strong statement about GOP presidential candidates praying for the victim's families but not calling for stricter gun control laws.

The cover gained national attention, and Rich says he was "pleasantly surprised" by the number of people who responded positively.

And as for those who thought the Daily News was criticizing religion or prayer, Rich says they're "either intentionally or unintentionally missing the point." The point being, says Rich: he's frustrated, his editors are frustrated, and many Americans are frustrated that many Republican politicians offer prayer instead of legislation in the wake of a mass shooting.