Debating the Cause of the High Cost of Healthcare

Americans routinely say drug prices are a top health care concern. Health care costs in the United States are some 18 percent of GNP, nearly double what other rich countries spend. We read of drug therapies that cost $300,000 a year or more, and of drug price increases that are 6 times the rate of inflation. So what do we do about high drug costs and who’s to blame?
Ezekiel Emanuel, the "architect of Obamacare," and vice provost for global initiatives and chair of the Department of Medical Ethics and Health Policy at the University of Pennsylvania, and Paul Howard, director of health policy at the Manhattan Institute, a member of their Project FDA, and a columnist for The Morning Consult, debate whether Big Pharma is responsible for out-of-control healthcare costs.
EVENT TONIGHT: Buy Tickets for the Intelligence Squared Debate series at the Skirball Center at New York University at 6:45 PM