Hey Buddy, Wanna Buy a Bridge Explosion?

The new Kosciuszko Bridge, right, is seen next to the old one, which will soon be demolished. After it's gone, a second new span will be built, doubling the overall traffic capacity.

In the past few weeks, several event pages have popped up on Facebook, promoting the public demolition of the much-maligned Kosciuszko Bridge on July 11.

And depending on the page, thousands of Facebook members have said they plan to attend.

But there's a problem: officials from the New York State Department of Transportation told WNYC Friday they haven't set a destruction date for the old bridge, which connects Brooklyn and Queens.

"No date set yet," a spokesman who did not wish to be named said. "We look forward to celebrating."

And, perhaps to the disappointment of those planning to attend, the spokesman said there won't be an explosion, or even sparks — definitely not an explosion of Hollywood proportions

Instead, the old bridge's main span will be lowered into Newtown Creek and taken away on a barge.

Then, the approach spans will be imploded in a process known as "energetic felling" at a few points along the bridge, and collapse onto some berms below. 

The traffic-congested bridge on the Brooklyn-Queens Expressway is being replaced with two new, six-lane spans. The first opened in April, and the second, which will stand in place of the old bridge, is slated for completion in 2020.